Post tagged: Blogging

Happy 2015

Happy 2015! At long last, the new year is upon us. I’m in the process of rethinking all of my projects and devising a plan to make headway on as many of them as possible.

I’m still in the planning phase for my Q1 2015 projects. Mostly, they …

hReview in Microformats 2

I’m working on a few themes for this blogging engine, both for this blog and 50 Words. I haven’t migrated that one yet, because I’m trying to get a handle on how to solve the issue of preserving (or upgrading) the formatted reviews over there.

Since I …

Migrating to Pelican

I spend a lot of my time at the command line — working, writing code, exploring Python, and taking notes while I get my learn on (watching lectures, attending lectures, going to meetups, you name it). A few years ago, I began exploring the idea blogging using static site generators, starting …